Espérance pour le vert et combat pour le rouge Rien Nature pour le vert et sang pour le rouge La peur pour le vert et la fuite pour le rouge. I have been collecting carnation perfumes over the last 6 months ever since i recalled a memory of one of the most beautiful scents I experienced in the early 80s. 24 Œillet rouge symbole de liberté L'oeillet rouge est devenu pour les portugais un symbole de liberté, issu de la revolution du 25 avril 1974. I love that sharp strange clove smell, and foxy Serge can recreate the forest of Where the Wild Things Are for me and make it sexy (Filles en Aiguilles)then I can hardly wait to see what he does with the humble Carnation! Tous droits réservés. Carnation is my birth month flower, and I've always loved its spicy-floral freshness (though sadly, as someone else has remarked, most of the ones you can buy at the florist these days are scentless).Malmaison was truly wonderful (sigh), and I'm delighted to see a high-level treatment of this lovely flower. Top : Plus de 500 vendus. Eva S, "nejlika" is a lovely word indeed... German also has the same word for both, "nelke". Hello, please select your country: France; Belgique; België; Italia; Portugal; España; USA; 日本 It's still used in France, but I remember having trouble finding it last time I had a toothache... Not sure that's the type of violent connotation Mr. Lutens wanted to conjure though! Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 54POINT CHAUD DE L'EUROPE : LISBONNE continue au Portugal . EVENEMENT Mon vieux , je peux te dire que tu n'as de ... Les centurions libérateurs , en treillis et casquettes Bigeard , l'œillet rouge fleur de la révolution -- à la bouche . Furriner, yes indeed, I'm there with you between prom nights and "I shall be wearing a red carnation" said in the generic European accent of Hollywood spy movies...You're in. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. I want to watch Dreyer´s "Passion of Joan of Arc" at the same time! I have on hand l'erbolario's Garofano, CdG red carnation (i find them very similar, delightful, light and pretty with cdg a little spicier) DS Hurwitz Oeillets Rouge which to me is green honeyed carnations, Maitre Perfumeur et Gantier Soie Rouge which reminds me of Spellbound except nice, Fragonard's Billet Doux which I find very interesting and extravagant and I am anxiously waiting on the mail for Santa Maria Novella's garofano cologne. For the last few years I've been like Goldilocks looking for the perfect carnation fragrance. Of course at christmas we use cloves in mulled wine/ glögg, but I have never heard of neither carnation nor clove liquor. Emma, I agree it's a fragrance that seems to behave in different ways at different moments or according to the amount that's worn. Lacets 110 cm. It's such a pity most flowers have wimped out on fragrance. The burn of hot spices lasts well into the development but, surprisingly for such an aggressively named mixture, Vitriol d’œillet is not hugely diffusive (and so won’t do as a defensive weapon). Ne vois-tu rien venir. Je vois comme une flamme. It's great when a flower yields such a rich semantic seam. I'm fascinated by the idea of a "villainous" carnation. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 11Mais je ne peux pas oublier le petit soldat à l'oeillet rouge, ni mes camarades les officiers et sousofficiers des Forces Armées Portugaises, ni aucun des Capitaines d'Avril, aucun de ceux qui m'ont fait l'amitié de me confier leur ... The prettiest girls always got the most. My godmother was an excellent gardener and grew carnations, gladiola, and many varieties of roses. 100 très chères chansons et comptines du monde entier. But I do see the tiny, charming, and fragrant pinks. Aesthetic Alterations, I'll be happy to oblige -- love your blog name, by the way -- so you're in! It also occurs to me to add Washington Tremlett's Clove Absolute as a decent carnation soliflore, as as some have noted, it's far less spicy and more floral than actual cloves. Drapeau du Portugal. Now that I have my Vitriol d'Oeillet bottle, this is quite a different experience than using the small sample I had. Bless your nonno, and "bella ciao". Trust Serge Lutens to pick up the wilted waif, thrust her into stilettos, tease her into channelling her inner couture-clad bitch and stage his own private Carnation Revolution. I loved Comme des Garcons Red Series - Carnation. Heartbreaking, hilarious, and brutally honest, Going There is the deeply personal life story of a girl next door turned household name. Le Portugal en crise célèbre les 40 ans de la « révolution des œillets ». And eugenol and the dentist's --not a good association, is it? I was surprised when DH came home with a bouquet the other day. Hi, Denyse. JAR Golconda is to my nose what Diorissimo is to muguet: jasmine takes these soliflores out of their typically chaste territory and make them voluptuous. I wonder whether that custom of offering them for St Valentine's is common?Anyway, you're in. 13,95 €/m. , Gucci Bloom Eau de Parfum 50ml Christmas Fragrance Gift Set. For quite a while I thought it was pretty soft and not diffusive, then a few days later I felt the pepper asserting itself... And I agree it straddles the gender divide interestingly. But unfortunately we live in an era where associations with bouzoukia are a lot stronger than historic associations. thank you, Denise for this beautiful review- I can't wait to be able to try this one as carnation was one of my favourites in my childhood-I remember loving its smell better than many other flowers. And the pattern woven by the jagged blood-red petals of the carnation into European languages and lore is particularly luxuriant. Add to your basket. Avec Aquarelle, le bouquet livré correspond au bouquet choisi ! Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 244La fleur de l'oeillet rouge des fleuristes est d'usage en médecine comme cordiale . On en fait un sirop assez employé . Silène , Silene . Cal . tubuleux , plus ou moins ventru , à 5 dents . 5 pétales onguiculés , garnis de deux dents à ... Lena, another member of the Carnation Revolution!You're in. I'm another that is really interested in this launch. I remember buying gigantic bunches of hot pink ones from a street market about 20 years ago that were truly fierce. But my sample of the late lamented Œillet Sauvage by for L’Artisan Parfumeur, possibly the best contemporary carnation soliflore, feels somewhat tamer with its sweet vanilla and (possibly) heliotropine, in keeping with Anne Flipo’s natural-feeling, tender style. Etro's, Villoresi's, and Ava Luxe's I found to be dull, powdery things; Comme des Garcons' just one step better but in the same vein. ), and you’ve got a potent symbolic and olfactory network at play. Free UK delivery on orders over £30. Some men might find it a little too feminine and a little too masculine for some women. Sadly, most carnations sold in the US have no odor, it's been bred right out of them, poor things. Current Greek history is the proof of that. À 89 ans, le vieil homme n’a pas de mots assez durs pour vilipender l’idéologie ultralibérale du gouvernement de Pedro Passos Coelho. And - lucky you! Serge Lutens Vitriol d'oeillet: Carnation Revoluti... Vitriol d'oeillet de Serge Lutens : Fleur en Flamm... Bois de Jasmin : Perfume Blog and Fragrance Reviews, Rose for Men and The Freedom to Choose Your Perfume. L'enracinement se fait en 4 à 6 semaines. Lacets 90 cm. Envoyez un bouquet de fleurs, une brassée de roses ou une jolie plante. Their Oeillet Mignardise soap is lovely, but it's being phased out apparently. carnation corsages were considered a great disappointment--everyone wanted to wear a wristlet of rose or lily or orchid (for the real high-rollers) to the dance. Cait, sweetie, love you back! Chacune comprend les paroles complètes dans sa langue originale et une traduction française. est un . I worked at a florist for awhile. I've been discovering several carnation scents recently including L'Origan and Voile d'Ete, and I just got a little sample of L'Artisan's discontinued Œillet Sauvage. Please enter me! En savoir plus. Dis leur qu'un œillet rouge À fleuri au Portugal Débouche une bouteille Prends ton accordéon Que de bouche à oreille S'envole ta chanson Car enfin le soleil Réchauffe les pétales De mille fleurs vermeilles En avril au Portugal Et cette fleur nouvelle Qui fleurit au Portugal C'est peut-être la fin D'un empire colonial Et cette fleur nouvelle It's too bad that they don't seem to have a scent anymore. I haven’t got Etro Dianthus or Santa Maria Novella Garofano on hand to compare. Amy, I didn't run away to Paris after the topless-at-the-Montreal-Ritz episode. Il y a quarante ans vendredi 25 avril, le Portugal renversait son régime dictatorial et accédait à la démocratie. A fleuri au Portugal. Une voix noire 75ml Exclusive bottle. €190.00. Portail des communes de France : nos coups de coeur sur les routes de France. Lacets 120 cm. €190.00. Au-delà des manifestations de joie, les commémorations donnent lieu à des . In her brutally honest, hilarious, heartbreaking memoir, she reveals what was going on behind the scenes of her sometimes tumultuous personal and professional life - a . next. I hitchhiked back home to Lisbon because I used the last of my money just to spend another night in the village. Ce n’est pas une dictature, et il n’y a pas de guerres. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 462Nom de l'oeillet des jardins , Dianthus Caryophyllus , L. , en Portugal . Cravirta . ... ROUGE . Alumine naturellement colorée en rouge par de l'Oxyde de for . Créac . Nom de l'esturgeon dans quelques provinces . Voy . Acipenser . What was a little sad for me then is sweet now, thinking of these people carefully trying to keep me from being left out. 122 talking about this. That's interesting. I have a vintage bottle of Bellodgia EDT and certainly can only imagine it growing wild and dangerous. So let us give generously to the carnation campaign in order to overcome this terrible disease. That's what Oscar Wilde did, they say: dipped his white carnations in green ink...You're in! Derby bout chasse, 4 œillets. Nevertheless I've always been fond of them, especially as the slips you can easily obtain from the carnations in your bouquet will often grow if you plant them promptly enough. Des petits fruits…" It was a holiday weekend commemorating the Carnation Revolution. I love the spicy smell of carnations, and they make me think of my grandmother who grew some old-fashioned ones called pinks that had a wonderful, strong smell. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 244La fleur de l'oeillet rouge des fleuristes est d'usage en médecine comme cordiale . On en fait un sirop assez employé . ... Le Portugal . 09. Fl . en juin . 6. S. à fleurs obscures " , S. ornata . Tige visqueuse . Pour tout envoi de fleurs, un don à une association caritative. I've loved the smell of the carnation since I was a child, and grow many different kinds in my garden with one stipulation: they have to be scented and not too clownish looking. TVA incluse, hors frais de livraison. But Sheena did become a punk rocker that very summer.You're in! Janice, I love carnation in the summer too, at least in Terracotta Voile d'Eté. Which seems close in spirit to this Lutens. Kathy, I wish I'd had grandmother with a garden...You're in! Oh muse ma compagne. Add to this that the flower was carried by aristocrats as they went to the guillotine during the Terror in 1793, and gave its name to a revolution, when the Portuguese overthrew the dictatorship of Salazar in 1974, and you’ll see there’s blood in the garden…, All of these flowers do, in fact, have eugenols in common, but as these materials are restricted, Vitriol d’oeillet calls on other spices to boost its burn: eugenol’s phenolic partner-in-crime, black pepper, which in turn summons pink and red pepper, which takes us back to the carnation through its colour: in France, red pepper is called. Napoleonic Portugal is about Portuguese history from the 1790s to 1815. You're in! Cait. I like the smell of carnations as I do geranium, both for being really distinct without being in the canon of all things "flowery." Alors, ils défilent en chantant à tue-tête : Grândola, Vila Morena, l’hymne de la révolution d’Avril, œillet rouge à la boutonnière. I personally think for confident, assertive men and women, it's terrific!Emma. Envoi de fleurs à domicile à l'adresse de votre choix. He wore a carnation on his lapel, even to school and It was the carnation that often put authority figures at illease around Paul. I would love to try Vd'O! Trouvé à l'intérieurEn Allemagne, l'œillet blanc était le signedistinctif des démocrateschrétiens etle rouge,celui des sociauxdémocrates tandis qu'au Portugal, l'œillet servait d'indice de reconnaissance aux militaires opposés àla dictature de Salazar.