Im a Scorpio female, coming up on a year and a half relationship with a Virgo male. We havent been dating for that long but, I think I might be in love & Im excited to see where things go. As an earth sign, Virgos are immensely practical and love to be of service to their partners, Monahan explained. Than he told me later that he saw a picture of me on facebook and saw that i was going to that camp, and that he went to the camp just to meet me. If I asked him what we should do, he said I dont know. Not even talking about female deffinately giving some knee shake, Just pull up your arm sleeves, and dig into the guy even if you think he's cold as ice, remember to dig further in, and soon enough you'll have him crack in front of you. Virgo and Scorpio want safety and steadiness, and this mutual want forms a devoted friendship between them. Love And Relationships. Virgo and Scorpio Love Compatibility - Maybe the bumps will smoothen along the coming years. They are great problem solvers. I love him with all my heart and were engaged! If they are unhappy with any area in their life, and you may have nothing to do with it; Example: FINANCIALLY OR JOB, they shut down sexually. As astrologer Clarisse Monahan previously told Bustle, Scorpios have zero patience for wishy-washy folks. COOL VERY HELPFUL I had to break things off because it got to a point where I was becoming fustrated and annoyed. I am amazing and there you have it! Obsessed with perfection, he will think there is always room for improvement. make a virgo man feel valued and he will start to see more value in himself and he will start to feel less insecure in himself and his relationship.. i really hope that helped even just alittle. Its like a mystery that Virgo must solve, Scorpios find this to be a bit too practical. My Virgo man is aware of all my traits and when my emotions do get out of control, neither of us feel the need to break it off. And what Ive discovered over the last few months is that he has been like that since Ive known him. Tell him its not something we normally accept. Scorpio are deep and reserved, and attentive to concealed emotions and desires. They are very content with you and so in love with you and the one sign who is aware of, in tune with, amazed by & drawn to the beauty and magical mystery of the Scorpio woman. Other than that, he is definately a keeper, he thought me about stability and practical decision-making, or else I would be basing all decisions on emotional judgement. It could messed with your reality n weakened you. People make mistakes & I have made my share. Soul mates for sure!! I love your story!! Taurus Man Scorpio Woman: The Dynamic Duo GoDates For example, the Virgo male is patient and analytical. Usually, this couple will stay away from crowds; they aren't too inclined to go to parties or . On the other hand, he may find her silence frustrating, as he is always willing to talk about their relationship and dont always understand why she resorts to giving him the silent treatment. any scorpio women dating men who are having issues with him understanding your emotions i strongly suggest you get him to listen to some utube videos from this site run by a guy named jim wolfe. This particular Scorpio woman (me) is impatient. I was attracted to the Pisces like a magnet and still cant figure out why I cant get over it! To Nauty-Henry I think knows his scorpio friend well because I can tell you I as a scorpio woman I love when a man pays full attention to,compliments,romance are a few and of course a very strong powerful man with a lil bit of cockiness thrown inalso someone who can make me laugh can win my heart over.Dont pry to hard into a scorpio womans thoughts because we are as they say a mysteriously secretive lot and pry to hard and its all over but the shoutingalso a more even temper is needed around a scorpio because otherwise she will shoot fire your wayotherwise as long as not very provoked I think scorps are very caring and loving when you show them that they will be sure to shower you in love in all the right waysgood luck , My Virgo man completely blew my mind with his straight forward remarks to all my comments! Like the Jerky Boys! . Im just kidding No really I have a damn good story to tell and I just found the perfect place to tell it to the world so I guess I will!! Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. I knew him since high school days. Even though he makes efforts to contact me and keep in touch with me recently, I am very skeptical about whether hes really in love with me, keeping me on the side for future purposes, or just not into me as more than a friend. I would say give it time and patience. Take a break from the draining pressures of your social circle. A Cancer woman is one of the best matches for a Scorpio man. They cherish their friendship a lot. He knows how tto bring me down when i fire around with a hotf fiery temper i am not very proud of. Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility | Ask Oracle. It was hard for me to tell if he was enjoying things are just trying to please me. I would ask if he liked sex and he said yes, but it never seemed like he enjoyed it. what would he do if he likes me ? The Virgo-Scorpio Obsession and Connection: The Positive. u will slowly errode some of those insecurities with this. I had a close friend for a number of years whose a Leo and a sister whose a Leo. We laugh. I love my Virgo, we have our ups and downs but I would never change anything. Virgo and Scorpio Friendship: A Loyal and Long-Lasting Pair If youre a Scorpion woman & youre dealing with a Virgo man, learn him. I would ask him, but Im too afraid of being the one to bring it up because like to keep my cards close to my chest where they are safe. For me, this Virgo is my 10/10. Im sure you stay after he lies because he makes up for it in other bigger ways. Both of them are ready to work tirelessly for the sake of financial stability, and in this matter to fully find mutual understanding. We have surpassed all of our obstacles & knockdown drag outs & are always sooo impressed with each others fighting skills for being able to dish it and take it on such a high level of intelligence skill and bad assness? No passion, no emotion. Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility - VedicFeed . She always walks around keeping her head held high knowing she is all of these things. Virgo men are very romantic. It should be noted that both Virgo and Scorpio personalities are demanding, although with different methods. My question is would he fall diply in love with a scorpion women or with his Taurus woman? And the Scorpio woman will like this about him. He came with a daughter Kayla who I get to raise with him and I cant get preg so what a blessing. He also calms my fiery side down, as this is a must for me (not that I knew I even needed it!)! While theyre not nearly as talkative as Virgos, Scorpios will find a kindred soul in this sign, as they both want to endlessly analyze and delve into lifes mysteries. Then he gave me a kiss on the forehead. He is so great handling my intense emotions. Virgo Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? July 14, 2021. He begins to wonder what he is doing wrong, and start blaming himself. It just depends on the person in the end. When my emotions of not believing and afraid of being hurt flares up, I let him go, but he just lures me back by his sweetness and being brutally honest. Now, we make LOVE! He can persuade her through conversations to not allow her emotions to rule reason as well. i am a scorpio woman who had just met a virgo male! He breaks for any movie anytime even Tommy Boy for the 90th time at any given moment! They recognize this capacity for loyalty in . The passion was explosive and it still is. Work on health, both emotional and physical and importantly do it together so neither of you feels left behind. 3 Zodiac Signs Scorpio Will Likely Regret Breaking Up With - Bustle Virgo and Aquarius do . Virgo Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry The Scorpio woman meets her match in the Virgo man, and while the relationship is all about learning how to trust, share and express, they will both rise to the challenge, happily. Scorpios find this to be a bit too practical and will wonder where the intensity and romance is. The Virgo Zodiac. I am a Scorpio woman dating a Virgo man and our relationship is amazing. Advise would be great! Met my virgo, calm, reserved, nere-do-well. My man Rocks. Much can be smoothed over with physical intimacy. Always encourage him. Scorpio Man Virgo Woman Love and Friendship Compatibility Is sure you're ready for online dating tips for scorpio man or thinking in you want a virgo. 7/10. This can create problem in the relationship as he is very practical and does not like unnecessary display of emotions, good or bad. Than a couple weeks ago he wanted to call me so we talked and we have a lot of things in common, We talked till 3 a.m. 2 weeks later we met up and he was very charming, cute, a gentlemen, but he started talking about his wedding one day in detail and he asked me how i wanted my wedding to be and I was like uhh in a church lol he is like too romantic. So my answer is yes. As long as their relationship is productive, such as accomplishing things or raising a family, they have a good foundation for their relationship. I dont know what to do and now hes been sending my the sweetest text messages on how he cant live without me etc.. But long story short the first time I saw him I absolutely fell for him hes just the cutest thing you can ever meet. They have many common basic personality traits and can complement each other gloriously. My current relationship is coming into 3 yrs next week. He is incredibly devoted to the woman he loves. He lies through his teeth. The Virgo man and the Scorpio woman will get along great, especially since they have the same lifestyle. I see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, when he kisses me and when he stares at our son. Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, and the mutable earth sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Virgo, which can make for calm waters. Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond. Im a Scorp women thru & thru. I met a virgo male a year ago , i loved him off but our dating started out as a sexual relationship and it was amazing but then we had fights we overcame them but then he said im not what he needs , i m so broken hearted im a scorpio a very attractive petite girl , and hes the hottest virgo ive ever been with but he left me and i msged him so many times in a row asking why he left me what is the reason for him not wanting me ? I honestly feel if I didnt give him the impression that I liked him he wouldve never noticed me because he said he wasnt looking for a relationship when he came to my school he just wanted to do what he had to do and get out and thats great. I couldnt respect him as a man towards the end. Cook him a surprise dinner, buy him tickets to his favorite bands concert show him (even though you may not always verbalize it) you are in fact paying attention. But still he also has to put in effort not to lie. Our bodies are always touching. Scorpio man and virgo woman dating - Best Online Dating Site - Free Maybe the Virgo man has overindulged in a vice and is feeling the need to get healthy and stone. Scorpio. Just a couple days ago this woman who did not know he was my man was all flirting with him at our work. In work, this tandem has no equal. @ Juliayou are hilarious!!! But her Virgo partner is more thoughtful, more . A Virgo man is wise and intuitive. Hi samantha, I am a virgo man, with a scorpion women, we are blessed by God a passionate love for each other, Just to guide you, virgo man are very faithful, honest and loving, it is difficult to win them at first shoot, he takes time and analyze each n every thing about the person with whom he think of going ahead for the rest of life, but this may take few months, but you need to keep holding his hand till his session of scrutiny is over, if you qualify as a trustworthy, honest, faithful and loving qualities, he will make u the queen of his heart, and will tell u everything right from his birth, I mean everything. He looked like one of them Last night I was talking to my mom, and she said something really interesting. Any man who has himself a Scorpio woman is one fortunate blessed and HAPPY man! Before each other, weve always understood that although it was never reciprocated by past lovers everything we wanted in a partner, a lover, and a friend we found in each other. The physical relationship waa incomparable I dont think the relationship with my Virgo will ever be that way. We argued just about every day about anything. At times the Scorpio woman can prove to be a bit too temperamental for the Virgo. From that first night, I never spent a night without him and pretty much moved in with him naturally. The strengths of a Virgo-Scorpio relationship are that both signs are analytical, detail-oriented, and devoted to their loved ones. Their relationship could get even stronger, if Virgo could realise this depth in Scorpio and understand the . Sexually, the Virgo man and Scorpio woman require a lot of experimentation with each other in order for them to adjust with each others different styles. His outburst, you would not want to liaten any of that. Both . Virgo man and Scorpio lady love relationship could require a great deal of endeavors to move it along. Love compatibility between Scorpio woman and Virgo man. I have to agree . For both the Scorpio woman and the Virgo man, material well-being is very important. (giggle) Just make him feel safe, as virgos ARE ALWAYS NERVOUS. How to improve this relationship. He knows just what to say to make me feel better and sometimes its just a simple sentence in a text. She also finds in him a man who helps her achieve her goals, make her dreams come true. So who is laughing now? . I motivated him. turns out that we are better friends than lover. A Virgos constant nitpicking and a Scorpios frequent tears may grate on the other signs patience, but if these two can find a way to respect each others needs, then they can make for a deeply intense pair who love challenging and pushing each other to grow. Even though it is a romantic bond, the best thing to do is separate and be together when they are grown and ready. Though his blunt criticism and practical approach in love can hurt the romantic emotions of his Scorpio woman and force her to become cold and silent. We cant get enough of each other no matter what. We talk in all these weird character voices. All these make their relationship strong and more compatible and there is a great chance for the pair to experience a long and happy married life. This match is . I feel as though im the one protecting the family, rather than him. I wouldnt say Id never go with a virgo again, I just know now what works with us and what doesnt. he is loveable but strong headed. Oh gosh, I can totally relate, my sex life with my virgo man is nothing to shout about. While not the most obvious duo, their relationship can be exciting both in love and friendship. He could never speak up about anything. He is truly insecure and jealous and its over the little things. Although the Scorpio woman is ready to take things into the bedroom, she will have to wait for the Virgo man to make up his mind first. Im a Scorpio women currently talking to a Virgo man. I ended up having to dump him when I finally realized he just was not the one. This may be a result of gossip and idle small talk in the office. He left her and came over to me and started hugging and kissing me. 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love . Table Of Contents. ; The symbol for Virgo is a virgin, or a woman, representing fertility and wisdom. And help him to come to be confident self? So I guess we slightly clash with that. (Here virgos are little selfish, once they are out, they run for wash) I realised, my mistake, but it was late, but now I have more creative methods to make her happy, and she loves me for that. When two signs share the same element, the compatibility between them becomes stronger. @ScorpioWoman1990 Unfortunately, we cant be together because were so intense and commanding me from the background, her directly. The lion and scorpion both want attention, admiration, and support from their friends. Your email address will not be published. It should not be hard and as a scorpio woman, i can tell you your girlfriend is not a good representation of the sign. Start a health program or join a gym together. Well he will care for you like a baby, and watch over like a bodyguard, he will help you, buy gift for you, even when you will say no, dont waste money, still he will continue to buy, till it pleases you, In bed,initially you must remind him, that a scorpion women (ususally dont speak their mind) is hot n passionate at sex, and never leave her half her half way in bed. When I say hes amazing hes AMAZING. We hung out & talked about old times & laughed & watched a movie. Constantly analyzing everything I say, always trying to read between the lines, I felt misunderstood. I hope all of you have it this good! Although he did tell me he only wants one thing. Our match is one made in heaven! Virgo and Scorpio Friendship Compatibility - NOT anal about things!!! All rights reserved. I am so confused, he is kinda feminine. Im still SUPER HOT for him (and Im still pretty hot looking too)!~ I think he takes my hotness for granted, which is ticking me off (Scorpio woman). They just don't do lukewarm. This is not a sign you you play around or one where lies are accepted. We are going on 4 yrs and we are madly n deeply in love! She is raw and untamed, whereas her man is patient and analytical. A woman's best option for getting a Virgo man to hear her out is be up front, honest, and . Even though Scorpio can be too rough of Virgo, making them feel . The Virgo woman is not famous for her ardor in intimate life, she often does not pay tribute to her partner. However, even then, sex is the ultimate forte of these two signs when they are together, and they always do manage to perfect the art of . Relationships should be hard. WE WERE SO PASSIONATE IVE NEVER IN MY LIFE LOVED A GUY SO MUCH BEFORE. Our relationship is still very knew but i feel like i dont know how to handle his emotional ruts well. let me know if any of this helped girls. Highly intuitive, he was in love is a virgo, love and. I believed him! You havent been loved until you have been loved by a Scorpio woman. A Virgo man is a very concrete person with sturdy brain and thorough information of all the aspects of life. Virgo Man, Scorpio Woman Compatibility (9 Intricate Characteristics) I couldnt see myself with anyone else but this man has some real issues, not saying that i dont. The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties.