A Singing Faith. Francis, the patron saint of ecology, was a nature-loving monk, and his followers have founded dozens of hospitals and universities. Raphael G. Warnock. Boreham, Oswald Hoffman, Walter Maier, John Maxwell, Harold John Ockenga, Fulton Sheen, and many more. They did work at such a high level that they could convert millions of people into their faith. He consecrated his life to Gods service even-though he had lots of opportunities to make a wealthy living. And each sermon is focused intently on a single purpose: to draw men and women to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Billy Graham counts himself among those who were heavily anointed and blessed by God with a long life. And while numerous icons of morality have come and gone, for 50 years Graham has endured both criticism and applause with humility, integrity, and genuineness. Records hold that Billy Graham stands as one of the gospel pillars in America. An unbroken legacy of African-American women preachers persisted even long after Elizabeth. His brilliant career in homiletics was not free of all handicaps. He has tackled many tough issues from predestination to homosexuality. In his book I Believe in Preaching, Stott emphasized the place of proclamation in his own ministry: Nothing is better calculated to restore health and vitality to the church or to lead its members into maturity in Christ than a recovery of true, biblical, contemporary preaching The task of preaching today is extremely exacting, as we seek to build bridges between the Word and the world, between divine revelation and human experience, and to relate the one to the other with integrity and relevance.. That is only part of his legacy to modern preachers. He had a topical preaching style which was mostly biographical. Still, it was walking along the Berlin Wall where he was invited to come inside East Germany and preach standing next to Checkpoint Charlie, which proved one of the most moving moments of his walk. Some Famous British Baptists. Though his homiletical approach grew out of his own liberal theological views, his model gave a new shape to American preach-ing, including much evangelical preaching. He is used as an example to many people worldwide, helping them learn to see beyond appearances and focus on the potential in each other. Here, in all reverence and humility, the disciple may take upon his lips the saying of his Lord: To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world.'. He was born in 1949. Michael is author and editor of several books, including the Handbook of Contemporary Preaching (Broadman & Holman Press), Joy in Ministry (Baker Books), Preaching With Power (Baker) and Communicate With Power (Baker). His preaching was thoroughly biblical, passionate, rational, and theological. Apparently King was often disappointed that he was not primarily seen as a preacher. Within six years of its publication, the book sold more than 25 million copies and inspired tens of thousands of congregations across the nation . Yet his message has remained incredibly simple: every person is sinful before God, a predicament that can turn to forgiveness only through faith in Jesus Christ. From his family he inherited a sense of mission that encompassed him as a preacher and a Civil Rights leader. This guys story is incredible, and his will to live is beyond anything we can imagine. ", "Unbelievable? It echoes around the world in a variety of forms. I discovered a world of prayer traditions across the Judeo-Christian faith family, and dug into the history of our family's greatest prayer warriors. Hes also got an awesome list of nicknames for atheists. Their rankings were then tallied according to the rankings made by the contributing editors (giving increased weight based on the higher rankings) and the number of times a person was listed in each editors top ten. The result is in the list provided below. His name will be forever linked to revival and the modernization of Christianity especially in America. Thank God for a simple preacher. Patrick Morley's mission is to help men grow as disciples and disciple makers--starting at home. Martin Luther King stands today as one who breathed life back into many preachers of the gospel. Here is a record of the most famous evangelical preachers of this generation. Worth noting is that he served in the army during World War I. Content writing is just my profession but my passion too. The first October of his Pittsburgh ministry he preached it. In context. Arthur has been walking to share his testimony of faith in Jesus for over 44 years. He is the World Changers Church International pastor, one of the world's largest churches, located in College Park, Georgia, where he has resided for more than 20 years. Oral Roberts was born on September 11, 1918, into a low-income family in Crystola, Oklahoma. He focused on preaching while allowing the Holy Spirit to touch and change the hearts of the people. All Rights Reserved. R.G. 2021 Preaching.com. That was back in the days when chapel was required of students. Chloe Pryor's previous articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/chloe-pryor.html. An admirer of the great Puritan preachers of an earlier era, Lloyd-Jones demonstrated the power that is possible through the careful and systematic exposition of scripture in the pulpit. Gods ideas, not mine. Top Ten Greatest Preachers of 20th Century Michael Duduit, Editor, Preaching 1) James S. Stewart (1896-1990) 2) Billy Graham (1918- ) 3) George Buttrick (1892-1980) ADVERTISEMENT 4) Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) 5) Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) 6) Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) 7) William Edwin Sangster (1900-1960) In this light, many were convicted of their sins and turned to God for mercy and salvation. The gifted Scottish preacher taught New Testament at the University of Edinburgh, was Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland, and served in 1963-64 as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Kirk Cameron is the son of actor and famous Evangelist Bob Cameron. George Mller (1805-1898) Mller is known as a prayer warrior who started orphanages and preached heavily about the need for missionaries around the world. His email newsletter, PreachingNow, is read each week by more than 40,000 pastors and church leaders in the U.S. and around the world. 17. His love of literature and the arts informed his clean, simple sermon outlines that intersected all of life. He acknowledged that it was an exceptionally good sermon. Just as his passion, devotion, and humor sprang from his head as well as his mind, so he directed them and his message to the head and minds of others. It isnt easy to say how much the ethos of British Methodism shaped W E. Sangster and how much he shaped it. Here were delightful subjects, well researched, magnificently focused and artistically presented, from an obvious preacher who was profoundly committed to the Christian gospel and to the church of Jesus Christ. Recently, this famous American preacher has finally broken his silence on the Trump situation by endorsing him and warning Christians not to vote for a bad guy. This comes as no surprise since Graham is a friend of Donald Trump and one of his main supporters. He influenced people all over the world. He was a preacher's preacher, possessing gifts most of us can only dream. Michael Duduit is the founding publisher and editor of Preaching magazine. Dr. Alveda King A niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., King is a former representative of the 28th District in the Georgia House, but she is also a best-selling author, a minister, and frequent Fox News Channel contributor. I've heard some very notable sermons, and some not-so-notable sermons too. He happened to follow the footsteps of his father in preaching the gospel. Clarence dedicated his life to Gods service and did not compromise his decision until the last day he had on Earth. It is almost certain that no reader would identify the exact same ten preachers in making his or her own list; even given the same list of names, the order in which they appeared would vary widely from person to person. Time after sabbath day services has proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is so. Yet one thing cannot be denied: every person on the list below has made a significant impact on countless lives, on the church, and on their fellow preachers. The 20th century was full of so many great men and women of God that we cant write about all of them. He is an inspirational speaker and writer, organizational manager for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and an author of books on faith. In December 1900, Charles Fox Parham, the founder and leader of Bethel Bible College, asked the approximately forty students to search the Bible to determine the sign or evidence that occurs when a person receives the Holy Ghost. This brought back the name of Luther to the mouth of every folk. He was well known to be a preacher who focused more on the salvation brought by the teachings in the New Testament. Then, converted by an evangelist Charles Parham and convinced of Gods calling, they became an evangelist, also. The gifted Scottish preacher taught New Testament at the University of Edinburgh, was Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland, and served in 1963-1964 as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The top 12 names are: * The Rev. She had a younger sister named Echo McPherson, who wrote an autobiography about Aimee entitled Growing Up With Aimee. When Aimee was 23 years old, she set out for Los Angeles with little money and no job. Clarence delivered his sermons with directness and confidence. On one particular Wednesday morning, I was arrested out of my boredom during chapel by a particularly stimulating sermon brought to us by one of the leading Fundamentalists in our area. Chapman schooled him in doctrine and homiletics. George taught that a sermon should be orderly arranged in a pleasant and informative manner. After growing up in California, he moved to Tennessee, where he married Chelsea Noble in 1995. I read everything by Fosdick I could get my hands on. He went up to personally preaching to many presidents. Before being appointed as pastor in 1939 to Westminster Central Hall, he had previously served several churches. Remembering Evangelical Women. Records hold that he preached with earnestness and authority that moved the hearts of his congregants to love him. In his Beecher Lectures in 1953 he declared with characteristic directness, that there is no place today for a Church that is not aflame with the Spirit who is the Lord and Giver of life, nor any value in a theology which is not passionately missionary (A Faith to Proclaim, p. 12). Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of great passion, devotion, and humor. He is also the founding Dean of the new College of Christian Studies and Professor of Christian Ministry at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina. Macartneys ministry took him successively to pastorates of three downtown churches, culminating in the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. He had been stoned and shot during his walk across the Soviet Union. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri, 7 Biblical Principles of Money Management. From the neo-gothic stone building where he preached at the heart of Pittsburghs Golden Triangle, he touched thousands of lives. Dollar, Jr. is best known as one of America's leading evangelists and famous preachers of the 20th century. He was a lifelong bachelor and avid student of scripture. Through all the accolades he has presented a strong Christianity with a big God, a loving Savior, a hot hell, and a glorious heaven. Worst Sports Mascots: Top 10 Stupidest Team Mascot Characters! He is an author of several books and articles which are all centered around Christ and the holy gospel. The most popular and controversial Evangelist of recent times is Franklin Graham. Much of Stewarts influence on American preaching was through his writing and lectures. The result was hundreds of nominations of preachers who have made an impact beyond the lives of their own churches. God was with him and blessed his activities. With the release of his book, The Purpose-Driven Life (2000), Warren gained international acclaim and a spot among the nation's most influential Christians. In his Beecher Lectures in 1953 he declared with characteristic directness, that there is "no place today for a Church that is not aflame with the Spirit who is the Lord and Giver of life, nor any value in a theology which is not passionately missionary" (A Faith to Proclaim, p.12). Later in seminary as we began to study great preachers, I discovered Fosdick as an oasis in a dry desert. Grahams work did draw hundreds of thousands to the true teachings of Christ. A favorite preacher among evangelicals around the globe, John Stott is Rector Emeritus of All Souls Church in London and Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. An English-born Congregational preacher who served nearly thirty years as pastor of New York's Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, Buttrick succeeded Henry Sloane Coffin. Ralph Sockman Paisley became recognized for his fiery sermons and constantly preached and protested next Roman Catholicism, ecumenism, and homosexuality. From 1996 until 2000 he served as editor of the Abingdon Preaching Annual series. William Edwin succeeded two famous preachers of the 20th century by names Leslie Weatherhead and Dinsdale T. Young. This is how he grew a large following. A dynamic preacher and evangelist, Billy Graham - through the televising of mass crusades - has proclaimed the gospel to more persons than any other preacher in history. Clarence Macartney is one of the famous preachers of the 20th century who taught the gospel with authority and confidence. What a relief. Chloe Pryor is a young adult living in Auckland New Zealand. Through their passion for Christ, many were martyred for their faith. Here are 30 well-known pastors of today that speak the truth of God and who believe every single word in the Bible. Billy Sunday was a colorful and powerful preacher who preached to hundreds of thousands at the turn of the 20th century. At a stage of life and a stature in which he could do whatever he wishes, Dr. Stott is today dedicating his life to helping train and encourage Christian preachers in the Third World. 13. His books have been circulated throughout the world, and you can find his blog on Jesus Is Savior, as well as others such as Time To Believe. Over a ministry about to enter its seventh decade, God has blessed Graham's preaching and has used his faithfulness and integrity to draw hundreds of thousands to respond to the call of Christ. 15. He has preached in person to more people than any human being who has ever lived. Each time that he stepped out to preach, his message was directed to winning more souls for Jesus Christ. Most readers will be surprised that Stewarts name appears at the top of such a list, though few would deny he belongs in this distinguished company. In fact, he said of himself that he had an odd sandy voice, the voice of an old nurse (Alphabet of Grace, 1970, p. 44). Kent Hovind is next on our list of televangelists. He was highly committed to preaching without notes. Ted Haggard was a Pentecostal and famous Evangelist who had founded the New Life Church in Colorado. He has communicated it through simple phrases like The Bible says and You must be born again that have riveted themselves into our hearts and minds. In an earlier book consisting of lectures on preaching originally given to his students, he wrote that no Church is anything more than a pathetic pietistic backwater unless it is first and fundamentally and all the time a world missionary Church (Heralds of God, p. 30). If you were requested to name a famous tv evangelist, there is a good chance that either Billy Graham or Dwight L. Moody would be the first Evangelist that came to mind. He was a preachers preacher, possessing gifts most of us can only dream of. In response, I suggested that he remedy the situation! Recently my friend told me how Lloyd-Jones God-centered biblical preaching encouraged him in the midst of hard times. To such questions Lloyd-Jones would admonish us to take ourselves in hand and assess our faithfulness to the Scriptures and the high calling to be stewards of the mysteries of God. Records hold that he taught the New Testament at the University of Edinburgh. Warnock preaches from one of the most historic pulpits in the country: Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He is one of the famous preachers of the 20th century who taught the scriptures with remarkable authority. Thank God for a preacher who takes Jesus at His Word. Luther was a man of great devotion, passion, humor. These evangelists inspired people to follow Jesus, moved people to tears, and made the church what it is today. Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN).